Tales from Heriot's
Welcome to the new podcast series, Tales from Heriot’s. Throughout the course of the series, we will explore the history of Heriot’s, bring to life the vast school archives and shine a light on the more unusual tales from school.
Tales from Heriot's
Diaries of Charlie Broadwood Vol.1
George Heriot's School
Season 2
Episode 3
In these series of tales, we will read extracts from the diary of a former school boy at Heriots, turned Soldier in the Royal Scots Regiment, who, once back from the War embarked upon a fruitful 37 year long career as an English teacher at George Heriot’s School.
In these diaries we hear stories from Charlie’s time at school between 1909 - 1912. He was a talented sportsman playing for both the cricket and rugby first teams and in his 6th year here was voted School Captain. He was a very well-liked pupil, colleague and teacher.